In the section...
"So very well deserved....". On Tuesday, 27 Feb 24, Mrs Jo Ropner, Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire and Vice-President North of England RFCA, presented her Lord Lieutenant's Certificates for Meritorious Service to Reservists and Cadet Force Adult Volunteers, 4 Star Certificates to Cadets of Cleveland Cadet Force, and appointed her new Lord Lieutenant's Cadets for 2024. Very worthy recipients and some very proud families,
Our thanks go to Quebec Coy, 4 Bn The Royal Yorkshire Regiment, for hosting and to Capt Milford, Director of Music, and members of The Royal Signals (Northern) Band, for providing the music for the evening. Thanks must also go to the Chef and staff who provided a first class buffet supper for recipients and their families.
All photographs for the evening are on the NE RFCA Facebook page but can also be obtained from June Harrison at